So my people took me on a trip to see this thing they call Lollipop. It’s floating in a “big dog bath.” I don’t like the water, so I was a little nervous when they took me inside. Inside it felt a little like my “big dog house,” but with none of my usual smells. My mom brought in my crate, water, and food bowls which made me feel better. This place has very slippery floors, which my mom says they will fix. Sometimes this “floating dog house” would make a loud noise, and we would move around the “big dog bath.” I didn’t like this at all. I felt better with my mom beside me. I did like all the different birds I saw here. My dad had to pick me up so I could walk on the dirt. I would point these birds and then try to catch them. They said I would have to use the “poop deck” to go potty, but I got to go potty on the dirt this time.