While the captain was working on his projects, I was busy with my own.
I’ve been busy trying to organize the drawers and cabinets on Lollipop. Of course, everyone has their preferences with household items and where they are stored. I am working on moving things where I prefer.
I also picked out some rugs for the teak floors so Tessa would have better footing onboard. In addition to helping Tessa, the rugs will keep the teak flooring in better condition.

I am Lollipop’s geek squad. Lollipop has a wi-fi amplifying system onboard that four owners ago purchased, so Lollipop’s wi-fi still used ‘Salty Dog’ as the SSID, which we did not have the passwords for. This system lets you log on to a public wi-fi system and amplifies it for the boat’s wi-fi signal with a new SSID. This system is older but still valuable to us if I could get it to work. I tried contacting the company that made the system, but they are out of business. I tried contacting the old owner, but he had changed his phone number. So I “googled” to find some old manuals. Then followed the instructions to reset the system. The antenna is on the mast, so I needed the captain’s help getting to the antenna. After setting the system to defaults, I used the manuals I found on the internet and created a new boat wi-fi for Lollipop.