On the Tennessee River

Thomas and Bronson are cruising on Lollipop on the Tennessee River this morning. Still, about 2 days travel from Lake Guntersville in Alabama. Yesterday they went through the lock at the Jamie Whitten Lock and Dam on the Tenn-Tom canal. This lock raises and lowers vessels 80 feet. Each square or block is 5 feet tall. Much of yesterday, Lollipop was the only boat on the canal, even for a holiday weekend. This part of Mississippi seems very isolated.

Jamie Whitten Lock 2
Jamie Whitten Lock and Dam 80 foot rise and fall.
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Admiral Deb

I’m the Admiral, First Mate, Crew or Geek Squad aboard the “Good Ship Lollipop”. I’m also known as the “reluctant spouse” among “Loopers”, (people who cruise The Great Loop). Most every Looper vessel has a reluctant spouse.

Articles: 21