Tessa’s trip to Goose Pond Marina

The Captain and Admiral took me on my first trip in the floating dog house they call Lollipop. I rode in the pilothouse while we were moving. It was a wet day outside, but we were dry in the floating dog house. We stopped in a place called Goose Pond, but I only saw black ducks while I was there. The captain put a walking ramp out for me to go from Lollipop to the dock. At first, I thought I was supposed to jump over it. But the captain and admiral were walking across the ramp. So after a day or so, I started to walk on it too.

Lollipop’s Ramp for Tessa

There was one bird that was weird. I got on the deck with the captain and admiral, and the bird buzzed around us. It didn’t have wings. But, it took photos of all of us—strange bird.

Lollipop at Goose Pond Marina
Lollipop at Goose Pond Marina

After a couple of days, we got on the floating dog house again. This day the weather was beautiful. My people had the windows and doors open so I could smell all the smells. As always, I am happiest when I’m with my people.

Lollipop 09-2021 on Tennessee River Open Air
Lollipop 09-2021 on Tennessee River Open Air

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Crew Tessa

Tessa, CH Rusty Acres All You Need Is Love, is an Irish Setter. She is 11 years old and is a retired show dog.

Articles: 3