We departed Alred Marina Saturday morning with angry winds, blowing as much as 30 mph, and in spots, the Tennessee river had 2-foot waves. As we traveled downstream, the clouds cleared by mid-morning, and we ended the day in Decatur, Alabama, arriving at Ingalls Public dock to a crowd of a couple hundred at a bass casting tournament. There was nothing like an audience for our arrival; fortunately, the wind was blowing Lollipop towards the dock, so after a U-turn, I just let the wind move me over the last 5 feet. Deb had us tied off before I could even think to say anything. The timing was perfect. We got the boat secured and a cold drink and settled in to watch the UGA football game. During the game, two other boats arrived and tied up behind us.

Deb and I decided to live dangerously and take UBER into Decatur for dinner. We had a little trouble getting a driver, but we finally got a driver to take us to the restaurant; however, the food was good. But, we were worried we wouldn’t get another UBER driver to take us back to Lollipop. So I did the UBER thing, and the closest driver was about 20 miles away. He came after about half an hour and took us back to Lollipop.
This morning, Sunday, we were underway at 7 am and arrived at Joe Wheeler Marina about 10:30 am. Three other Great Harbour owners met us and helped us get tied off to the Tee-head dock.

I write this sitting in the pilothouse with the doors and windows open and a cool breeze blowing through the boat. As soon as the dryer finishes this load of laundry, Deb and I will stroll the docks and make new friends. Tomorrow the AGLCA Fall Rendezvous begins.