Boat Life aboard Lollipop

Lollipop is only 16′ x 37′ or 592 sq ft, yet days disappear messing around on the boat.

On days at a marina, we get up and make coffee, look at the news and weather, plan the next travel day, make the bed, do laundry, vacuum, talk to family, and before we know it, it’s afternoon, lunch, and a walk or sightseeing and then dinner. We watch TV in the evening, right now we are watching the winter Olympics. And soon enough, it’s loopers ‘midnight’, or 9 pm for everyday folks. Seriously this is a thing; almost all loopers are in bed by 9 pm, worn out from their day.

Now for a travel day. Most loopers, including us, try to get an early start. Shortly after sunrise, we get underway while the wind is typically less, so the water is flatter. Another reason to start early is to arrive early and get the best anchorage or have good light to go into a dock and have time to explore before dark.

Once underway, we take turns running the boat while the other does boat chores, fixes breakfast, etc. A lot like a day at the dock but with one of us at the helm all the time.

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