Getting Groceries while Anchored with Lollipop

Friday afternoon, we anchored Lollipop in Factory Bay at Marco Island.  After getting settled, we took Gumdrop the dingy to a nearby Tiki Bar and had dinner. 

The following day, we took Gumdrop to the Winn-Dixie for groceries.  This was a first for the captain and me.  We went out of our bay, into the channel, and around to the next bay.  Then we followed the channel markers through that bay and under a bridge to Winn-Dixie’s dingy dock.  Who knew Winn-Dixie’s had dingy docks.  We tied up Gumdrop and climbed the ladder to the street level.  We gathered about four little bags of groceries, mainly sunscreen, paid for them, then returned to Gumdrop.  Along the way back to Lollipop were many houses and condos, and of course, every place has to have a dock.

Pretty dock at Marco Island
Pretty dock at Marco Island

Funny Dock at Marco Island
Funny Dock at Marco Island

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