Last year we bought Lollipop to travel The Great Loop, a bucket list item of mine, with Deb being the reluctant spouse. At the time, Deb’s mantra was one and done, but as we cruised, she mellowed, enjoying meeting people and exploring new towns each week. On the other hand, I felt I was selfish and needed to be back on the farm. Also, there is this little magnet pulling us both towards home. When we decided to buy the boat, our son and daughter-in-law announced they were expecting our first grandchild. He was two months old when we left Mobile, AL, last February. But we continued with our plans even though we missed our kids, grandson, farm, and home.
Then came Fort Pierce. One day I jumped on my bike to go to the grocery store, took one to peddle, and clipped a parking curb which sent me over the handlebars into the asphalt. Other than bloody palms, elbows, and leg, I was fine for a couple of days. Then a few days later, I woke with my left arm asleep, and now weeks after it is still asleep, we are seeing doctors and going to physical therapy, while the calendar keeps saying we are getting behind in our plans. So instead of rushing our journey, I am ready to stay home. Don’t get me wrong, I have loved almost every minute on Lollipop, but it is time to go back to reality, and honestly, it hurts me to know she is tied up to the dock.
So with that background and knowing the original plan was to sell her this October, we are now putting her on the market.
As with most previous owners, we have done several upgrades and have been pleased with how few problems she has had.