Our log from Miami to Boca Raton:
The journey from Miami to Boca Raton took us past some of the biggest and most beautiful houses along the Intercoastal. Also, we passed some of the biggest Yachts we have seen. This is one of the most affluent areas we have passed through so far. The time passed quickly at 6 mph because of all the eye candy.

This area was crowded with boaters and low bridges that had to open for Lollipop and other boats. We have been advised not to travel on the weekends because of all the weekend boaters.

We choose to anchor in Lake Boca Raton at Deerfield Beach. It was a lovely anchorage. In the center of the lake is a sandbar about 2 feet deep. So, this is a popular party place for boaters to swim and play. There was a high-pressure system coming through this part of Florida and the winds the next couple of days were forecast to be up to 30 mph. Lollipop is essentially a floating house and it is best to wait out the wind. We stayed at Lake Boca Raton for five nights. This included the weekend and we were part of party central for 2 and a half days. I really didn’t mind the party except for everyone’s loud music. All different music genres and all at the same time and all at the same volume, LOUD.

This part of the Intercoastal is a canal with concrete sides. The closest dingy dock was 2 miles away at a park at Deerfield Beach. Most every day we took Gumdrop the dingy out and after docking, we walked to get provisions, shop, and eat lunch or dinner. For me the trip from Lollipop to Deerfield Beach was scary. Everyone’s boat wake bounced off the concrete walls and created a washing machine surface. Too much adventure for me in Gumdrop the dingy.